Postmaster Chase is in very poor health and is at present in Arizona. Chase, postmaster of Viroqua, died of dropsy of the heart on the same day. Henry Casson and was a member of the late Gen. Casson, aged 61 years, county clerk of Vernon for twenty-six years, died this morning of the grippe. Thursday in the Jacobson-Vance funeral home, Viroqua, and in the church after 1 p.m. Friday in the Southwest Prairie Lutheran Church, rural Viroqua Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Viroqua - Clarence Brudos, 61, rural Viroqua, died unexpectedly Sunday (June 26, 1966) while visiting friends. We are sincerely grateful to the friends and relatives who remembered us during our bereavement also Dr. LeRoy Drake officiating, and burial was in the Debello Ridge Cemetery. 2 Oscar, Hillsboro and George, Brodhead and 34 grandchildren, 75 great grandchildren and a great great grandchild. Survivors include three daughters, (Mary) Mrs. She was a member of the Valton Wesleyan Church. Her husband died in Valton in 1942, and she moved to Reedsburg in 1955. They made their home on the Bruce homestead in the Debello community until 1937, when they moved to Valton and became operators of the general store. 4, 1900, she was married to Arthur Edwin Bruce. 12, in Reedsburg Memorial Hospital at the age of 87 years, 2 months and 26 days as the result of a fall which fractured her hip last July 5. Įva Nora Shreve, daughter of John and Sarah Shreve, was born June 17, 1991, in Greenwood Township, Vernon County. Brown, once postmaster at Viroqua, died there on the 4th inst. A peculiar circumstance is that the widow has recovered almost as suddenly as she was stricken and is now believed to be entirely rational again. The same doctors who made the examination of the woman examined the body of the man and found he had died of rupture of the brain. – Solfest Bringe, age 42, dropped dead here when his wife, to whom he was devoted and who had been acting strangely for several days, was pronounced insane by physicians. After eating dinner he became sick and fainted, expiring within a short time. Bjornson, an old citizen of Viroqua, died suddenly. Berg was formerly connected with the government improvement work on the Mississippi. It was met by his brother and sister from Chaseburg, Vernon county, and taken there for burial. – The body of Herman Berg, who died in Denver, Col., suddenly, and about whom there was some uncertainty as to his identity, arrived here this morning. Aschim had a wide circle of friends in Duluth, who will be grieved to hear of his death. Aschim was pastor before coming to Duluth. The remains will be taken to Viroqua, Wis., where Rev. Aschim, who for eight years was pastor of the Bethesda Norwegian Lutheran church in Duluth, died at his home in Berthold yesterday afternoon. Hanson, auditor for the Fitger Brewing company, received a telegram from Berthold, N.D., last night, that Rev. Thus has another of the industrious and indomitable band of pioneers from New York state, who have done so much for Wisconsin gone to the dust with honor and respect on his grey hairs. His body was brought to this county for burial and interred here on Friday, the 13th inst. Y., to this state in 1850, and during his active and useful life was a sound and constant supporter of Democratic principles. He was aged 73 years on the 20, of last December and was born in Washington county, New York, in 1789. The deceased was greatly respected by numerous friends in this county, and at the place of his last residence. At his house in Beardstown, Vernon County, Wis., on the 16th March, at 8 o'clock in the evening, Capt. A wife and four children are left toĭIED. Biddison conducting the religious exercises.įranklin, Badax Co., Wis., February 26th, 1858, Mr. Her funeral occurred on the 21st inst., and was For more than thirty years she had been a consistent and faithful Ady, with whom she passed the remainder of herĭays. The 25th day of July 1806, in the State of Maryland and on the 13th of Augustġ828, was married to Wm. Most respected and esteemed residents of this village. Grandmother Ady had been for nearly twenty-five years one of the In Viroqua, Tuesday, August 20th, 1878, of Viroqua, Wisconsin ] transcribed by Angie Lietzau Obituaries and Death Notices in Vernon County, Wisconsin